2023 Clinicians
Vincent Sandroni
Vince began his musical career with 15 years in the Maryland State Boychoir, serving as a chorister, soloist, and conducting intern. He graduated from Townson University with a Bachelor’s of Science in Music Education. Vince is the chorus teacher at Cockeysville Middle School in Baltimore County. He started singing barbershop in High School. Vince is a current Music Director and Tenor Section Leader of Parkside Harmony the 2022 BHS 4th Place Bronze Medalist Chorus. Vince is also the tenor of Pratt Street Power the BHS 2016 Next Generation Quartet Champions!

Kimberly Newcomb
Kim was born and raised in Texas where she first started singing barbershop in the Austin Harmony Chorus. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Vocal Music Education from the University of North Texas. While in college, Kim sang in many different barbershop ensembles including multiple female quartets, a mixed quartet, and the Rich-Tone chorus! Kim is a busy learning track producer, private voice lesson instructor, and coach of the NewVoice Studio, as well as directs Capital City Chorus in Indianapolis, IN. She sings with the 2023 Sweet Adelines Queens of Harmony, The Ladies!

Quotes from the campers
This camp literally changed my life. This is where I met my best friends in the whole world. I didn’t know what to expect when I first went but now I just wish I had started going sooner.
Alex Chambers
I have made some of my closest friends at Harmony Explosion. It’s a completely unforgettable experience that I look forward to all year!
Melanie Redinger
This is a beautiful and super fun experience. There’s few things in life that impact you the way music can, so to be in a setting of pure music and fun for several days, can’t be beat.
Spencer Petree
I have made some of my The best part about this camp is the fact that everyone is here to simply make music together, and it takes students out of the typically competitive environment that is pushed on them in schools.
Mikaela Bradley